(973) 672-7578


Discover our process step-by-step from sketching to fabricating. 

​Lombardo Iron & Railing Company

We are a family ran iron works business located in Orange, NJ. Owner Joe Lombardo (left) and son Paul Lombardo (right ) work alongside one another approaching each job with a combined 40+ years of expertise. Specializing in: 

Custom. Handcrafted. Original.

Celebrating 40 years in business

We're giving the "iron railing" a whole new identity with a freely artistic yet functional approach; see for yourself in our portfolio under Specialty Design!

We've just completed our first custom wrought-iron awning and it's opened up new possibilites...

Knowing that our work will live on much longer than ourselves is a rare beauty that only a medium such as iron can portray. Our work is only as great as our passion and attention to detail.

We're giving generic furniture a twist with custom design and old world craftsmanship.

Our latest work